Third Party Risk Management Strategy

5 Best Practices For Strengthening Your Third Party Risk Management Strategy

Businesses rely increasingly on third-party vendors to provide services and products. The importance of third party risk management has become increasingly crucial. Failing to manage these risks can result in significant financial and reputational damages for organisations. This article will discuss five best practices for strengthening your risk management strategy. What Is Third Party Risk …

ChatGPT App Integration for Slack

Boost Your Slack Productivity With ChatGPT App (ChatGPT App Integration For Slack)

New ChatGPT App for Slack Helps Teams Work More Productively with AI-Powered Assistance Salesforce and OpenAI have teamed up to create the ChatGPT app for Slack, a platform that integrates ChatGPT’s AI technology to provide users with instant conversation summaries, research tools, and writing assistance. With this new app, millions of companies can work more …